The source of these listings is Media Bias/Fact Check. The methodolgy can be found here

Media Bias/Fact Check (MBFC News) is an independent online media outlet. MBFC is dedicated to educating the public on media bias and deceptive news practices. We also provide original articles on media bias, journalism and politics. On our social media pages we provide current news and events from low biased sources as well as all content posted on our website. Media Bias/Fact Check is owned solely by Dave Van Zandt. Dave has spent more than 20 years as an arm chair researcher on media bias and its role in political influence. The methodolgy can be found here.


Categorizing media by bias is an imprecise at best. Certainly some of these categories could be questioned. Those who obtain news from Fox News and Breitbart – considered right here – will likely disagree with the categorization of the New York Times and the Washington Post as center left instead of left.

This difference in perspective of media bias is a striking sign of the depth of the polarization in this country. Those on the right think that their far-right media positions are center. Those who read the New York Times recognize that the paper is slightly left leaning but the facts are from the least biased sources. The “center” media seems to be accepted by the left but is not typically accepted by the right.

This is the core of our differences – how we perceive the bias. Studies conducted in 2013 comparing primary right, center and left media found that, with the exception of Brietbart, that the left and right media were similar in what they covered. As noted elsewhere on this site, the more important influence is how much attention is paid to various topics by the reader. For example, readers of conservative media do not pay much attention to allegations of police brutality but do pay a lot of attention to the Benghazi investigation. Conversely, readers of left leaning media do not pay much attention to Benghazi but are very interested in instances of police brutality.


Least Biased

These sources have minimal bias and use very few loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes).  The reporting is factual and usually sourced.  These are the most credible media sources.

  1. Associated Press – Often will see AP noted as the source of information and facts in other media. This is a good sign that the facts are correct, even if the publication is biased.
  2. Christian Science Monitor — Always noted as a credible media source.
  3. Financial Times – Always noted as a credible news source.
  4. Foreign Affairs – Always notd as a credible news source.
  5. Gallup – Often will see Gallup noted, especially as a source of poll information.
  6. GovTrack – Referenced throughout and good sources of facts
  7. Kaiser Family Foundation – Well respected research
  8. Peterson Foundation – Well respected research
  9. Pew Research — Well respected research
  10. Politifact — Top rated fact checker
  11. Reuters — Often will see Reuters noted as the source of information and facts in other media. This is a good sign that the facts are correct, even if the publication is biased.
  12. Snopes – Good fact checker
  13. Stars and Stripes — International version for overseas
  14. Third Way — Centrist think tank
  15. USA Today – Not usually recognized for being so unbiased
  16. Wikipedia – Excellent place to start

Left-Center Bias

These media sources have a slight to moderate liberal bias.  They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes) to favor liberal causes.  These sources are generally trustworthy for information, but may require further investigation.

  1. ABC News
  2. Al Jazeera
  3. American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
  4. (The)Atlantic – Used on this site
  5. BBC
  6. Bloomberg – Used on this site
  7. Brookings Institute – Used on this site
  8. Buzzfeed
  9. CBC News
  10. CBS News
  11. CNBC
  12. CNN
  13. FiveThirtyEight
  14. Haaretz
  15. Human Rights Watch
  16. LA Times(Los Angeles Times)
  17. NBC News
  18. Newsweek
  19. NPR
  20. New York Times – Used often on this site
  21. PBS News Hour
  22. Politico – Used on this site
  23. Public Radio International (PRI)
  24. Rolling Stone
  25. Southern Poverty Law Center
  26. The Guardian – Used often on this site
  27. The Hill – Used on this site
  28. Time
  29. US News World Report
  30. Washington Post – Used often on this site 

Right-Center Bias

These media sources are slightly to moderately conservative in bias. They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes) to favor conservative causes. These sources are generally trustworthy for information, but may require further investigation.  

  1. American Action Forum
  2. American Council on Science and Health
  3. American Foreign Policy Council
  4. Boston Herald
  5. Cato Institute
  6. Financial Post
  7. Forbes
  8. Fortune Magazine
  9. Foundation for Economic Education
  10. Investors Business Daily
  11. New York Post
  12. Real Clear Defense
  13. Real Clear Investigations
  14. Real Clear Politics
  15. RT News – Interesting that this media source is considered center right, not right
  16. Russian News Agency-TASS – Interesting that this media source is considered center right, not right
  17. Statesman Journal
  18. The Fiscal Times
  19. The Spectator (UK)
  20. Wall Street Journal
  21. Washington Examiner
  22. Washington Times
  23. org
  24. WikiLeaks – Interesting that this media source is considered center right, not right


Left Bias

These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward liberal causes through story selection and/or political affiliation.  They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage liberal causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy.


  1. Black Lives Matter
  2. Blue Dot Daily
  3. Blue Nation Review
  4. Center For American Progress
  5. Center for Media and Democracy
  6. org
  7. Cosmopolitan
  8. Daily Beast
  9. Daily Kos
  10. Huffington Post
  11. Jezebel
  12. Media Matters
  13. Mother Jones
  14. Move On
  15. MSNBC
  16. New York Magazine
  17. New Yorker
  18. People Magazine
  19. Raw Story
  20. Real Time Politics
  21. Right Wing Watch
  22. Ring of Fire
  23. Salon
  24. Slate
  25. The Daily Buzz
  26. The Daily Vox
  27. The Village Voice
  28. Think Progress
  29. Vanity Fair
  30. Vox

Right Bias

These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy.

  1. American Enterprise Institute – Major conservative think tank
  2. American Family Association
  3. Americans for Prosperity
  4. American Spectator
  5. Breitbart – Ranked as right, not center right
  6. Citizens United
  7. Conservative Daily News
  8. Conservative HQ
  9. Conservative Outfitters
  10. Conservative Post
  11. Conservative Review
  12. Daily Caller
  13. Fox News – Considered right, not center right
  14. com
  15. Heritage Foundation – Major conservative think tank
  16. Judicial Watch
  17. Knox Report
  18. Legal Insurrection
  19. National Rifle Association (NRA) – Major influence on American politics
  20. Newbusters
  21. Newsmax
  22. Red Alert Politics
  23. Red Flag News
  24. Red State
  25. Red State Watcher
  26. The Blaze
  27. The Federalist
  28. US Politics Info
  29. USA Politics Today
  30. Young Conservatives

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