Welcome to Rooster Today

Updated March 2020

As we approach the 2020 election, Rooster Today, Feather Duster Tomorrow is dedicated to, and committed to, finding a way to find common ground with our family, friends and neighbors within the U.S. Breaking down partisanship and the ugly divisions that now describe America is essential. We are divided rural vs. urban, well educated vs. poorly educated, old vs. young, native-born vs. immigrant, white vs. people of color, one religion against another, Democrats vs. Republicans, uncle against cousin . .

“united we stand, divided we fall”

To find common ground, we need to focus on disinformation first, before we can focus on facts

  • finding, exposing and fighting disinformation from campaigns and foreign governments
  • becoming savvy and not “falling for” online lies
  • hold Facebook and other news “bundlers” accountable. Facebook is unwilling to prevent lies in political ads, at this writing.

Facts, Graphs, Reports, Opinions and Articles

  • The Rooster Today Home page is not a news site. Instead it is a summary of current events in 12 “talking point” categories. The intent is to gather facts, figures and graphs with context provided by journalists and writers.This site is not solely about front page news, it is about identifying the most important facts and ideas for us to remember over time. Articles are all from mainstream media – Washington Post, New York Times, The Guardian – organized by talking point topic, illuminating context and patterns over time.


  • The How Government Works header describes how government works, Cronyism, nepotism, lack of transparency, secrecy, illegal activity, incompetent people and conflict of interest are major problems today,


  • Another Rooster Today header is labeled Media and describes journalism and the media – the changing and essential role of a free press.
  • Under the talking point topic header is a list of the most critical 12 topics, with an emphasis on the economy, healthcare and states pages.
  • Under the State header are individual state pages that dive down to a deeper level of detail– who to contact, who to join, what to do, where to go and talking points for issues.


  • The Daily News page displays all of the articles sorted by all topics of interest, not just the main ones. There are many more topics and many more articles on this page that have not been featured on the Home page.
  • The List header has links to many useful sites and resources
    • Media sites and their bias
    • Watchdog organizations
    • Fact checking sites and fact checkers
    • Organizations to donate to and support
    • Political contributions
    • Movies to see
    • Documentaries to watch
    • Books to read

At the end of the day, we should be ready with facts, to go out and talk to our family, friends and neighbors as we campaign, make phone calls, protest, march, take a walk, have a beer, share a laugh, make new friends, bridge family divides, and reconnect with our fellow Americans.


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